Clontarf Houses
David Doyle Architects were appointed to investigate the options for an existing corner site in Clontarf which had a single dormer family dwelling with a large garden in need of urgent repair or refurbishment. The site already had an approved planning permission for 2No. houses that were side by side and orientated towards a single roadway. We discussed an alternative layout option with the client whereby the two structures would compliment one another but would seek to have their own entrances and identities. The resulting design has attempted to address all the various planning, site boundary, orientation and overlooking issues while carving out as much private open space as possible. The client and their parents would occupy the houses so this enabled a close working relationship where each house could be designed to respect the other. The contemporary design was well received by the planning department given there was no significant architectural style to defer to in this suburban area - this allowed for sloped zinc roofing to minimize overshadowing and a use of various high quality materials to define each volume separately.